owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee
owners manual Jeep Grand Cherokee - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Jeep Grand Cherokee WH WK manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Grand Cherokee, year of production 2005 - 2011:
• TheORCalsoturnsontheAirbagWarning• The Driver and Passenger Airbag/Inflator Units are
Light for 2.5 to 8 seconds for a self-checklocatedinthecenterofthesteeringwheelandtheright
whentheignitionisfirstturnedon.Aftertheside of the instrument panel. When the ORC detects a
self-check, the Airbag Warning Light willcollision requiring the airbags, it signals the inflator
turn off. If the ORC detects a malfunction in any partunits. A large quantity of nontoxic gas is generated to
of the system, it turns on the Airbag Warning Lightinflate the front airbags. Different airbag inflation rates
either momentarily or continuously. A single chimeare possible, based on collision severity and occupant
will sound if the light comes on again after initial startsize. The steering wheel hub trim cover and the upper
up. right side of the instrument panel separate and fold
out of the way as the bags inflate to their full size. The
WARNING! bagsfully inflate in about 50 to 70 milliseconds. This is
Ignoring the Airbag Warning Light in your instru-about half of the time it takes to blink your eyes. The
mentpanelcouldmeanyouwon’thavetheairbagstobags then quickly deflate while helping to restrain the
protect you in a collision. If the light does not comedriver and front passenger.
on, stays on after you start the vehicle, or if it comesThe driver front airbag gas is vented through the vent
onasyoudrive,havetheairbagsystemcheckedrightholes in the sides of the airbag. The passenger front
away. airbaggasisventedthroughtheventholesinthesides
of the airbag. In this way, the airbags do not interfere
with your control of the vehicle.
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year of production from: 2005
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Jeep Grand Cherokee WH WK manual
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Jeep Grand Cherokee WH WK manual
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