owners manual Hyundai ix35
owners manual Hyundai ix35 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Hyundai ix35 Tucson II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai ix35, year of production 2009 - 2015:
EL(FL) UK 7.QXP 3/4/2015 9:08 PM Page 76
The emission control system of yCaution for the Inspection andour
2. Evaporative emission control
vehicle is covered by a written limitedMaintenance Test (With Electronic
warranty. Please see the warranty infor-Stability Control (ESC) system)System
mation contained in the Service Passport The Evaporative Emission Control
• To prevent the vehicle from misfir-
in your vehicle. System is designed to prevent fuel
ing during dynamometer testing,
vapours from escaping into the atmos-
Your vehicle is equipped with an emis-turn the Electronic Stability Control
sion control system to meet all emission(ESC) system off by pressing the
regulations. ESC switch. Canister
There are three emission control sys-• After dynamometer testing is com-
tems which are as follows. pleted,turn the ESC system back onFuel vapours generated inside the fuel
by pressing the ESC switch again.tank are absorbed and stored in the
(1) Crankcase emission control system onboard canister. When the engine is
running, the fuel vapours absorbed in the
(2) Evaporative emission control system 1. Crankcase emission controlcanister are drawn into the surge tank
(3) Exhaust emission control systemsystem through the purge control solenoid valve.
The positive crankcase ventilation sys-
Purge Control Solenoid Valve (PCSV)
tem is employed to prevent air pollution
In order to assure the proper function of The purge control solenoid valve is con-
caused by blow-by gases being emitted
the emission control systems, it is rec- trolled by the Engine Control Module
from the crankcase.This system supplies
ommended that you have your car (ECM);when the engine coolant temper-
fresh filtered air to the crankcase through
inspected and maintained by a
the air intake hose. Inside the crankcase,ature is low during idling, the PCSV clos-
HYUNDAI authorised repairer in accor- es so that evaporated fuel is not taken
dance with the maintenance schedule. the fresh air mixes with blow-by gases,
into the engine. After the engine warms-
which then pass through the PCV valve
into the induction system. up during ordinary driving, the PCSV
opens to introduce evaporated fuel to the
7 76

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year of production from: 2009

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Hyundai ix35 Tucson II 2 owners manual
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