owners manual Peugeot Traveller
owners manual Peugeot Traveller - year of production: 2016 - Peugeot Traveller owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot Traveller, year of production 2016:
D eactivation / Activation of O perating fault
the alert and the braking
By default, the function is automatically I n the event of a fault, you are alerted
activated at every engine start. by the illumination of this warning
The deactivation or activation of the function is lamp, accompanied by an audible
done in the vehicle configuration menu. signal and a message.
Contact a PEUGEOT dealer or a
qualified workshop.
T here may be interference in the
W ith the audio system operation of the camera or it not work at
all in the following situations: I f one of the two sensors (camera
poor - visibility (inadequate street or radar) is masked or its visibility
lighting, falling snow or rain, fog, .), is reduced, while the other sensor
d - azzle (headlamps of an is able to work normally, the system
I n the" Personalisation-configuration " approaching vehicle on the other still operates, but at a lower level of
menu, activate/deactivate "A uto. emergency side of the road, low sun, reflection performance. This is not indicated by a
braking ". on a wet road, leaving a tunnel, message or a warning lamp. 6
alternating between light and To ensure correct operation of the radar
shade, .), radar, do not paint over the paintwork
- the area in front of the windscreen: on the vehicle's bumper.
W ith the touch screen dirty, misty, frosty, snow-covered,
damaged or covered by a sticker.
The operation of the radar, located in K eep the windscreen in front of the
the front bumper, may be disturbed camera clean.
in certain weather conditions: with Do not allow snow to accumulate on
I n the vehicle settings menu, activate/accumulations of snow, ice, mud, . the bonnet or roof of the vehicle as this
deactivate "C ollision risk alert and automatic could mask the camera's view.
braking ".
C lean the front bumper, removing the
snow, mud, .

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year of production from: 2016

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Peugeot Traveller owners manual
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Peugeot Traveller owners manual
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