owners manual Hyundai Elantra
owners manual Hyundai Elantra - year of production: 2010 - Hyundai Elantra V 5 i35 Avante MD owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Elantra, year of production 2010:
What to do in an emergency
Disconnect the jumper cables in the
Jumper Cables 7.Connect the other end of the sec-
exact reverse order you connected
ond jumper cable to the chassis
ground of your vehicle (4). them:
1.Disconnect the jumper cable from
Do not allow the jumper cables to
contact anything except the correctthe chassis ground of your vehicle
(-) battery or jumper terminals or the
(+) correct ground. Do not lean over
(-) 2.Disconnect the other end of the
the battery when making connec-
Jumper Terminaltions. jumper cable from the black, nega-
(+) tive (-) battery of the assisting vehi-
cle (3).
8.Start the engine of the assisting
Booster Battery vehicle and let it run at approxi-
OLMB063002/Q 3.Disconnect the second jumper
mately 2,000 rpm for a few min-
utes.Then start your vehicle. cable from the red, positive (+) bat-
4.Connect the jumper cables in the tery/jumper terminal of the assist-
exact sequence shown in the illus- ing vehicle (2).
tration. First connect one jumper 4.Disconnect the other end of the
If your vehicle will not start after a
cable to the red, positive (+)
jumper cable from the red, positive
jumper terminal of your vehicle (1).few attempts, it probably requires
(+) jumper terminal of your vehicle
servicing. In this event please seek
5.Connect the other end of the
qualified assistance. If the cause of
jumper cable to the red, positive
your battery discharging is not
(+) battery/jumper terminal of the
assisting vehicle (2). apparent, have your vehicle checked
by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
6.Connect the second jumper cable
to the black, negative (-) battery of
the assisting vehicle (3).

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year of production from: 2010

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Hyundai Elantra V 5 i35 Avante MD owners manual
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