owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
Checking tyre pressure Tyres are considered cold when they have theAdjusting tyre pressure
Correct tyre pressure helps to improve drivingsame temperature as the surrounding air.Tyre pressure decreases over time, this is a nat-
stability, saves fuel and extends the service life ofThis temperature is normally reached when theural phenomenon. The tyre pressure must there-
the tyres. car has been parked for at least three hours.fore sometimes be adjusted in order to maintain
Tyre pressure decreases over time, this is a natu-After having driven approximately 1.6 km (1 mile)the recommended tyre pressure.
ral phenomenon. Tyre pressure also variesthese tyres are considered as warm. If you haveUse the tyre pressure recommended for cold
depending on ambient temperature. Driving onto drive further than this to inflate the tyres, firsttyres in order to achieve optimal tyre performance
tyres with tyre pressure that is too low couldcheck and record the tyre pressure and inflate toand optimal wear.
result in the tyres overheating and being dam-a suitable tyre pressure when you arrive at theNOTE
aged. Tyre pressure affects travelling comfort,pump.
road noise and driving characteristics.When the outside temperature changes, the tyreTo avoid incorrect tyre pressure, the pressure
Check the tyre pressures monthly. Use the tyrepressure also changes. A decrease in tempera-should be checked on cold tyres. "Cold tyres"
pressure recommended for cold tyres in order toture of 10 degrees causes the tyre pressure tomeans the tyres are the same temperature as
achieve optimal tyre performance and optimaldecrease 1 psi (7 kPa). Check the tyre pressurethe ambient temperature (approx. 3 hours
wear. Tyre pressure that is too low or too highregularly and adjust to the correct pressure,after the car has been driven). After a few kil-
may cause uneven wear on the tyres. which is specified on the cars tyre informationometres of driving, the tyres warm up and the
plate or certification label. pressure increases.
WARNING If you check the tyre pressure when the tyres are
Tyre pressure that is too low is the mostwarm then you must never release any air. The1.Remove the cap from the valve on one tyre
• and then press the tyre pressure gauge
common cause of tyre failure and maytyres are warm due to driving and it is normal forfirmly down onto the valve.
result in serious cracks in the tyre, thethe pressure to increase above the recom-
tread loosening or the tyre exploding, withmended pressure for cold tyres. A warm tyre with2.Inflate to the recommended pressure.
unexpected loss of control of the car andtyre pressure equal to or below the recommenda-
increased risk of personal injury.tion for cold tyres may have a pressure that is far
Tyres with pressure that is too low reducetoo low.
the load capacity of the car. Related information
Adjusting tyre pressure (p. 522)
Cold tyres Recommended tyre pressure (p. 523)
The tyre pressure must be checked when the•
tyres are cold. • Tyre pressure monitoring system* (p. 524)
Tyres (p. 518)
522 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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