BK0151000US.book 111 ページ 㧞㧜㧝㧞年㧟月㧞㧥日 木曜日 午後6時㧤分
Comfort controls
To search by album title 6. After the voice guide says “Playing
,” the
N00763500069 system creates a playlist index for the album title.
1. Say “Play” on the main menu. NOTE
NOTE ●If the confirmation function is active, the voice guide con-
® firms if the album title is correct. If the album title is cor-
●The Bluetooth 2.0 interface starts recognizing the con-
nected device. rect, say “Yes”. If not, say “No”. After the voice guide
If the connected device cannot be recognized or a connec- says “Album not found, please try again,” the system
® returns to step 2.
tion error occurs, the Bluetooth 2.0 interface starts an
appropriate voice guide. Follow the voice guide. 7. The system exits the voice recognition mode and starts
2. After the voice guide says “Would you like to play by Art- playback.
ist, Album, Playlist or Genre?,” say “Album”.
●If you say “Album ,” you can skip step 3.
3. After the voice guide says “What Album would you like
to play?” say the album title.
4. If there is only one match, the system proceeds to step 6. 5
5. If there are two or more matches, the voice guide will say
“More than one match was found, would you like to play
?” If you say “Yes,” the system proceeds to
step 6.
If you say “No,” the name of the next matching album is
uttered by the system.
●If you say “No” to three or all album titles uttered by the
system, the voice guide will say “Album not found, please
try again” and the system returns to step 2.