owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2015 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban XI 11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2015:
Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/
Mexico-9159366) - 2016 - crc - 5/19/15
Keys, Doors, and Windows 51
Caution Whenclosing the liftgate using thisKeephands, children, pets, objects,
feature, there will be a short delay.and clothing clear of the power
Splashing water may cause theThe rear lights will flash and aassist steps when in motion. The
liftgate to open. Keep the RKEchime will sound. Step away fromsteps will reverse direction if they
transmitter away from the rearthe gate before it starts moving.encounter an obstruction when
opening or closing. Remove the
bumper detection area or turn thePower Assist Steps obstruction, then open and close the
liftgate mode to OFF when door on the same side to complete
cleaning or working near the rear the motion of the assist steps. If the
bumper to avoid accidental obstruction is not cleared, the assist
opening. steps remain extended while driving.
There are two other modes of
. Donotsweepyourfoot side operation:
to side. Deploy Mode: To extend both power
. Donotkeepyourfoot under the assist steps for cleaning, press
bumper; the liftgate will not while the vehicle is in P (Park) or
activate. N(Neutral). Pressj again to
. Donottouch the liftgate until it retract them. The DIC will display a
has stopped moving. message.
. This feature may be temporarilyIf equipped, the power assist steps jfor
disabled under some conditions.will deploy when the door is openedLock Mode: Press and hold
If the liftgate does not respond toand automatically retractfour seconds to lock and disable the
the kick, open or close thethree seconds after the door ispower assist steps. Press and
liftgate by another method orclosed. The power assist steps willholdjforfoursecondsagainto
start the vehicle. The feature willretract immediately if the vehicleenable them. The DIC will display a
be re-enabled. starts moving. message.

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year of production from: 2015

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