owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet GMC Suburban IX 9 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2000 - 2006:
Maintenance Footnotes (c) Visually inspect hoses and have them replaced if
they are cracked, swollen or deteriorated. Inspect
† The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or theall pipes, fittings and clamps; replace with genuine GM
California Air Resources Board has determined that theparts as needed. To help ensure proper operation, a
failure to perform this maintenance item will not nullifypressure test of the cooling system and pressure
the emission warranty or limit recall liability prior tocap and cleaning the outside of the radiator and air
the completion of the vehicle’s useful life. We, however,conditioning condenser is recommended at least once a
urge that all recommended maintenance services beyear.
performed at the indicated intervals and the(d) Visually inspect wiper blades for wear or cracking.
maintenance be recorded. Replace blade inserts that appear worn or damaged
# Lubricate the front suspension, ball joints, steeringor that streak or miss areas of the windshield.
linkage, transmission shift linkage and parking(e) Make sure the safety belt reminder light and all your
brake cable guides. Ball joints should not be lubricatedbelts, buckles, latch plates, retractors and anchorages
unless their temperature is 10°F (-12°C) or higher,are working properly. Look for any other loose or
or they could be damaged. damaged safety belt system parts. If you see anything
(a) Visually inspect brake lines and hoses for properthat might keep a safety belt system from doing its
hook-up, binding, leaks, cracks, chafing, etc. Inspectjob, have it repaired. Have any torn or frayed safety belts
disc brake pads for wear and rotors for surfacereplaced. Also look for any opened or broken air bag
condition. Inspect other brake parts, including calipers,coverings, and have them repaired or replaced. (The air
parking brake, etc. bag system does not need regular maintenance.)
(b) Visually inspect front and rear suspension and
steering system for damaged, loose or missing parts,
signs of wear or lack of lubrication. Inspect power
steering lines and hoses for proper hook-up, binding,
leaks, cracks, chafing, etc. Visually check constant
velocity joints, rubber boots and axle seals for leaks.

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year of production from: 2000

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Chevrolet GMC Suburban IX 9 owners manual
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