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owners manual Volvo XC60

owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
WHEELS AND TYRES || General information on the tyre monitoringis not functioning correctly. The TPMS systemTo bear in mind system fault indicator is combined with the indicator sym-Always calibrate the system after a wheel • In the information below, the tyre monitoring sys-bol for low tyre pressure. When the systemchange or tyre pressure adjustment. See the tem is referred to generically as TPMS.detects a fault, the symbol in the driver displaytyre pressure label on the driver€s side door Each tyre, including the spare tyre*, should bewill flash for about one minute and then remainpillar for Volvo€s recommended tyre pres- checked once a month. When checking, the tyreilluminated. This procedure will be repeated whensures. the car is started until the fault has been rectified.The system does not replace normal tyre should be cold and have the air pressure recom-When the symbol is illuminated, the system€s abil-• mended by the car manufacturer specified on theity to detect or warn of low tyre pressure may bemaintenance. tyre pressure label or in the tyre pressure table. If There is no option to deactivate ITPMS. affected. • the car has tyres of a different size than that rec- ommended by the manufacturer, find out whatA TPMS system fault can occur for several rea-Related information sons, such as after changing to a spare tyre, orTyres (p. 504) the correct air pressure level is for these. • changing tyres or wheels that prevent TPMS fromChecking tyre pressure with the tyre monitor- As an extra safety feature, the car is equippedfunctioning correctly. • with a tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS), ing system* (p. 509) which shows when the air pressure in one orAlways check the indicator symbol for TPMSCalibrating tyre monitoring* (p. 511) after changing one or more tyres in order to• more tyres is too low. When the indicator symbol Rectifying low tyre pressure with tyre moni- for low air pressure is lit, stop and check the tyresensure the new tyre or wheel is working correctly• as soon as possible and inflate to the correct airwith TPMS. toring* (p. 510) pressure. Messages in the driver display Driving with tyres that have tyre pressure that isThe following messages may be shown when the too low may cause the tyre to overheat, whichindicator symbol is illuminated: can cause a puncture. Low tyre pressure alsoTyre pressure low Check tyres, calibrate reduces fuel efficiency as well as tyre service life,• and can affect car handling and stopping ability.after fill Tyre pressure system Temporarily Note that TPMS does not replace regular tyre• maintenance. It is the driver€s responsibility tounavailable maintain correct tyre pressure, even if the limit forTyre pressure system Service required. low tyre pressure has not been reached so that• the indicator symbol illuminates. If the system cannot determine which tyre has low pressure, all four tyres will be indicated in the The car is also equipped with a TPMS systemcentre display. fault indicator, which indicates when the system 508 * Option/accessory.
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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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