owners manual Hyundai Elantra
owners manual Hyundai Elantra - year of production: 2010 - Hyundai Elantra V 5 i35 Avante MD owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Elantra, year of production 2010:
UD(FL) HMA 5.qxp 6/26/2014 3:23 PM Page 53
Driving your vehicle
Use high quality ethylene gly-Change to "winter weight" oil To keep locks from freezing
col coolant if necessary To keep the locks from freezing,
squirt an approved de-icer fluid or
Your vehicle is delivered with highIn some climates it is recommended
glycerine into the key opening. If a
quality ethylene glycol coolant in thethat a lower viscosity "winter weight"
cooling system. It is the only type ofoil be used during cold weather. See lock is covered with ice, squirt it with
an approved de-icing fluid to remove
coolant that should be used becausesection 8 for recommendations. If
the ice. If the lock is frozen internally,
it helps prevent corrosion in the cool-you aren't sure what weight oil you
ing system, lubricates the wshould use, we recommend that yaterouyou may be able to thaw it out by
using a heated key. Handle the heat-
pump and prevents freezing.Be sureconsult an authorized HYUNDAI
to replace or replenish your coolantdealer. ed key with care to avoid injury.
in accordance with the maintenance
schedule in section 7. Before winter, Use approved window washer
Check spark plugs and igni-
have your coolant tested to assure anti-freeze in system
tion system
that its freezing point is sufficient for
the temperatures anticipated during To keep the water in the window
Inspect your spark plugs as
the winter. washer system from freezing, add an
described in section 7 and replace
approved window washer anti-freeze
them if necessary. Also check all
Check battery and cables ignition wiring and components to besolution in accordance with instruc-
tions on the container.Window wash-
sure they are not cracked, worn or
Winter puts additional burdens on er anti-freeze is available from an
damaged in any way.
the battery system. Visually inspect authorized HYUNDAI dealer and
the battery and cables as described most auto parts outlets. Do not use
in section 7.We recommend that the engine coolant or other types of anti-
system be checked by an authorized freeze as these may damage the
HYUNDAI dealer. paint finish.

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year of production from: 2010

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Hyundai Elantra V 5 i35 Avante MD owners manual
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