owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
Side and curtain air bags (where fitted): • When sitting in the rear seats, do not hold Air bag warning labels
onto the seatback of the front seats. If the
WARNING front seat-mountedsideimpactsupplemental
• The front seat-mounted side-impact supple- air bags and roof-mounted curtain side-im-
mental air bags and roof-mounted curtain pact supplemental air bags inflate, you may
side-impact supplemental air bags ordinarily beseriouslyinjured.Beespeciallycarefulwith
will not inflate in the event of a front impact, children, who should always be properly re-
rear impact, rollover, or lower severity side strained.
collision. Always wear the seat belts to help • Donotuseseatcoversonthefrontseatbacks.
reduce the risk or severity of injury in acci- They may interfere with the front seat-
dents. mountedside-impactsupplementalairbagin- NPA1155
• The seat belts, the front seat-mounted side- flations.
impact supplemental air bags and roof- NOTE j1 SRSairbagwarninglabel: The warning label
mounted curtain side-impact supplemental For an overview see “Seat belts and supplemen- is located on the surface of the front pas-
air bags are most effective when you are sit- tal restraint system” in the “0. Illustrated table of senger sun visor.
ting well back and upright in the seat. The contents” section.
front seat-mounted side-impact supplemen- j2 SRSfront passenger air bag warning label:
tal air bags and roof-mountedcurtainside-im- Pre-tensioner seat belt system The warning label is located on the outer side
pact supplemental air bags inflate with great of the instrument panel (passenger side).
force. If you and your passengers are unre- Thepre-tensionerseatbeltsystemmayactivatewith j3 SRSsideairbagwarninglabel: The warning
strained, leaning forward, sitting sideways, orthe supplemental air bag system in certain types of label is located on the side of the passenger
out of position in any way, you and your pas- collisions. side centre pillar. Tags are also sewn into the
sengersareatgreaterriskofinjuryordeathin Working with the seat belt retractor and anchor, it front seat covers.
an accident. helps tighten the seat belt the instant the vehicleSRSfront-impact passenger air bag:
• Donotallowanyonetoplacetheirhands,legs, becomesinvolvedincertaintypesofcollisions,help-
or face near the front seat-mounted side-im- ing to restrain front seat occupants. See “Pre-ten-The warning label j1 is located on the sun visor.
pactsupplementalairbagsandroof-mounted sioner seat belt system” earlier in this section. “NEVER use a rearward facing child restraint on
curtain side-impact supplemental air bags on aseatprotectedbyanACTIVEAIRBAGinfrontof
the sides of the seatback of the front seats or it, DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY to the CHILD can
near the side roof rails. Do not allow anyone occur.”
sitting in the front seats or rear outer seats to
against the doors.
Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-31
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year of production from: 2013
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