owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Subaru Outback Legacy III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2004 - 2009:
1-26 Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags
control module &Systemservicing CAUTION
. Front passenger’s frontal airbag ON
and OFF indicator WARNING Thefront sub sensors are located in
. All related wiring both front fenders and the airbag
. When discarding a seatbelt re-control module including the impact
WARNING tractor assembly or scrappingsensors is located under the center
the entire vehicle damaged by aconsole. If you need service or
If the warning light exhibits any ofcollision, consult your SUBARUrepair in those areas or near the
the following conditions, there maydealer. front seatbelt retractors, have an
be a malfunction in the seatbelt. Tampering with or disconnectingauthorized SUBARU dealer perform
pretensioners and/or SRS airbagthe system’s wiring could resultthe work.
system. Immediately take your vehi-in accidental activation of the
cle to your nearest SUBARU dealerseatbelt pretensioner and/or air-
to have the system checked. Unlessbag or could make the systemNOTE
checked and properly repaired, theinoperative, which may result inIfthe front part of the vehicle is
seatbelt pretensioners and/or SRSserious injury. The wiring har-damaged in an accident to the extent
airbags will operate improperly (e.g.nesses of the seatbelt preten-that the seatbelt pretensioner does not
SRS airbags may inflate in a verysioner and SRS airbag systemsoperate, contact your SUBARU dealer
minor collision or not inflate in aare covered with yellow insula-as soon as possible.
severe collision), which may in-tion and the connectors of the
crease the risk of injury. system are yellow for easy iden-
. Flashingorflickeringofthewarn-tification. Do not use electrical
ing light test equipment on any circuit
. No illumination of the warningrelated to the seatbelt preten-
light when the ignition switch issioner and airbag systems. For
first turned to the “ON” positionrequired servicing of the seatbelt
. Continuous illumination of thepretensioner, see your nearest
warning light SUBARUdealer.
. Illumination of the warning light
while driving
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year of production from: 2004
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Subaru Outback Legacy III 3 owners manual
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Subaru Outback Legacy III 3 owners manual
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