owners manual Peugeot 307
owners manual Peugeot 307 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Peugeot 307 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 307, year of production 2001 - 2011:
48 - Comfort Comfort - 49
5. Air intake/Air recirculation6. Demisting the rear screen and In certain cases of particu-
the mirrors larly arduous use (towing
the maximum load on a
The interior air recirculation enables Pressing the button once
steep gradient in high tem-
you to isolate the passenger com-demists the rear screen
peratures), switching off the
partment from exterior odours and and the exterior mirrors.
air conditioning permits the recovery
This switches off automati-of engine power and therefore an in-
The outside air intake enables you to cally to prevent an exces-crease in the towing capacity.
prevent and eliminate misting of the sive consumption of current.
In order for the air conditioning to be
windscreen and side windows.
Pressing again reactivates demist-fully effective, the windows must be
Used simultaneously with the air ing. closed.
conditioning, air recirculation ena-
It is possible to stop demisting before The air conditioning system does not
bles performance to be improved.
it is switched off automatically by contain chlorine and does not present
Used in a humid climate, air recir-pressing the button again.any danger to the ozone layer.
culation may result in misting of the
Operate the air conditioning system
for 5 to 10 minutes, once or twice a
month, to keep it in perfect working
Pressing button 5 permits Rapid demisting of the The water produced by the air con-
recirculation of the interior windscreen ditioning condensation is discharged
air. This is indicated by il- through an opening provided for this
To quickly de-ice or demist the wind-
lumination of the indicator purpose. Therefore, a puddle of wa-
screen and side windows:
light. ter may form underneath the vehicle
- place the air distribution control in
when stationary.
As soon as possible, press button 5
the "windscreen and side windows"
again to permit the intake of outside In order to ensure that the air condition-
air, to prevent deterioration of the air ing system operates correctly, regular
- place the temperature 2 and air
quality and to avoid misting of the checks are also recommended.
low 3 controls at maximum, as
windows. This is indicated by the
If the system does not produce cold air,
indicated by the "Windscreen and
switching off of the indicator light.
do not use it and contact a PEUGEOT
side windows" symbol on the con-
trol panel,
- close the centre vents,
- switch air intake button 5 to the
"Outside Air Intake" position (but-
ton 5 indicator light off),
- start the air conditioning by press-
ing button 1.

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year of production from: 2001

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Peugeot 307 owners manual
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