owners manual Saab 9-5
owners manual Saab 9-5 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Saab 9 5 FL I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-5, year of production 2005 - 2009:
95_US_MY09.book Page 51 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:03 AM
Security 51
Check to ensure that all the doors, plus Activating the car alarm Electronic starting interlock
trunk lid/tailgate and hood, are closed prop-The car alarm cannot be activated if the (immobilizer)
erly. driver’s door is open or if the ignition switch
If the fault persists (LED flashing when is in ON position. When the key is inserted in the ignition, a
another attempt is made to activate the car signal is sent to the receiver. If the signal is
alarm by remote control), lock the car using If one of the other doors or the trunk or hood verified, the engine can be started.
the key instead. The car alarm will not have is open or opened and not closed again Each time the key is removed from the igni-
been activated and you should contact an during the 10-second delay period, it will be tion, the electronic immobilizer is activated.
authorized Saab dealer. excluded from the alarm function. This means that the ca r cannot be started
To avoid inconvenience caused by the If it is then closed, a new delay period of ten without the correct key inserted in the igni-
alarm being triggered inadvertently, make seconds will start, and the door (or trunk or tion and the immobilizer thus deactivated.
sure that anyone else using the car is famil-hood) will once again be secured by the If a fault is detected (e.g. in the transmitter)
iar with how both the car alarm and the lock-alarm system. ”Key not accepted.
ing system work. As usual, the LED will be on continuously Contact service.”
If the alarm is tripped (the direction indica-during the new delay period and will start to will appear on the Saab Information Display
tors are flashing and the horn is on) it can be flash once every other second after the (SID).
turned off by unlocking the car using the 10-second period has elapsed.
button. In this case, you can still start the car if you
turn the ignition key to ON and press one of
the buttons on the key (providing that the
receiver gets the right signal from the key).
Take the car to an authorized Saab dealer
to have the system checked.
The LED double-flashes when the car is

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year of production from: 2005

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Saab 9 5 FL I 1 owners manual
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