owners manual Porsche Cayenne S
owners manual Porsche Cayenne S - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Porsche Cayenne S owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Porsche Cayenne S, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Danger! f Always keep the lid of the door storage com-f Using accessories not approved by Porsche
To provide optimal occupant protection, air-partment closed. Objects must not protrude can cause the weight sensing to be impaired.
bags must inflate at very high speed. If you out of the door storage compartment.f Do not squeeze objects, such as the fire extin-
are not wearing your safety belt or are too f No changes must be made to the wiring or guisher, or first aid kit under the seat.
close to the airbag when it is deployed, inflat-components of the airbag system.f Only have seats removed and installed by an
ing airbags can result in serious personal in-f Do not add any additional coverings or stickers authorized Porsche dealer so that weight sens-
jury or death. to the steering wheel or in the area of the pas-ing components will not be damaged.
Improper handling of weight sensing can un-senger airbag and side airbags. Doing so may
intentionally impair switching the passen-adversely affect the functioning of the airbag f Give your passenger all of the information in
ger's airbag off and on. system or cause harm to the occupants if the this chapter.
f Make sure there are no people, animals or ob-airbag system should deploy.
jects between the driver or passenger and the f Do not modify the seat coverings. Do not at-Note
area into which the airbag inflates.tach additional cushions, protective coverings, Airbag components (e.g. steering wheel, seats)
f Sit back as far from the dashboard or steering or pillows to the passenger's seat. Do not affix may be disassembled only by an authorized
wheel as is practical, while still maintaining full things to the passenger's seat or cover it with Porsche dealer.
vehicle control. other materials. Do not cover the back of the When disposing of a used airbag unit, our safety
f Always hold the steering wheel by the outer backrest. Do not make changes to the passen-instructions must be followed. These instructions
rim. Never rest your hands on the airbag panel.ger's seat and to the seat base frame.can be obtained at any authorized Porsche dealer.
f Always fasten seat belts because triggering f Do not undertake any wiring for electrical ac-
of the airbag system depends on the force and cessory equipment in the vicinity of the airbag
angle of impact. wiring harnesses. Doing so may disable the air-
bag system or cause inadvertent inflation.
f Do not transport heavy objects on or in front of f If the warning light comes on, the airbag sys-
the passenger seat. These could impair the tem should be repaired immediately by your
function of the airbag, the seat belts, and authorized Porsche dealer.
weight sensing.
f Do not hang objects (e.g., jackets, coats, coat f Always keep feet in the footwell while driving.
hangers) over the backrest.Do not put feet on the dashboard or the seat
area. Do not lean against the inside of the door
or outside the window while the vehicle is mov-
Controls, Safety, Instruments 51
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year of production from: 2002
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