owners manual Citroen C5
owners manual Citroen C5 - year of production: 2008 - Citroen C5 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Citroen C5, year of production 2008:
C ontrol via the manual controls 4 . Air conditioning Sw itching off the ventilation
It is possible to adjust one or more The air conditioning will only oper-
functions manually, while leaving the ate when the engine is running. The Turn control 5 to the
other functions in automatic mode. air blower control (air fl ow adjust-
left until the fl ow of
Press one of the controls, with ment) must be active to obtain air
air stops.
the exception of that which regu-
III lates the temperature 2 . Indicator
lamp A goes off. Press control 4 . Indicator The "OFF" symbol is displayed on
Switching to manual mode may re-light B comes on.
the multifunction screen.
sult in discomfort (temperature, hu-
This action switches off the display
midity, odour, condensation) and
and the indicator lamps.
may not provide optimum comfort.
It deactivates all of the system's
To return to automatic mode, press
In order to be effective, the air condi-
the " AUTO" control. functions, with the exception of the
tioning must be used with the windows
rear screen demisting.
The temperature-related comfort is
Deactivating the air conditioning may
no longer controlled (temperature,
result in discomfort (temperature,
humidity, odour, condensation).
humidity, odour, condensation).
3 . Air distribution adjustment Avoid driving for too long with the air
conditioning off.
Press the controls 3 to 5 . Air fl ow adjustment
change the distribution Turn control 5 to the
of the air fl ow. T o reactivate the air conditioning:
right to increase the Press control 1 .
air fl ow or to the left
to reduce it.
6 . Front demisting - defrosting
The indicator lamps corresponding
to the distribution chosen come on:
The air fl ow level is indicated by the I n certain cases, the
- Windscreen and front side win-
progressive lighting of the blocks of "AUTO" mode may not
the bar graph on the control panel be suffi cient to demist or
- Front ventilation (central and display 9 . defrost the windows (hu-
side vents and air diffusion grille midity, several passen-
To prevent condensation and dete-
if open) and rear ventilation. gers, ice).
rioration of the quality of the air in
- Front and rear footwells. the passenger compartment, ensure Press control 6 to clear the win-
that an adequate fl ow of air is main-dows quickly. The indicator lamp
Simultaneous display of the distribu-
tained. comes on.
tion of air to the windscreen and side
windows and of front and rear venti-
lation is not possible.

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year of production from: 2008

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manual Citroen C5 Citroen C5 II 2 owners manual
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