owners manual Dodge Grand Caravan
owners manual Dodge Grand Caravan - year of production: 2008 - Dodge Grand Caravan V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Dodge Grand Caravan, year of production 2008:
Customer Assistance For The Hearing Or Speechthe manufacturer’s service contracts. If you purchased a
Impaired (TDD/TTY) manufacturer’s service contract, you will receive Plan
To assist customers who have hearing difficulties, theProvisions and an Owner Identification Card in the mail
manufacturer has installed special TDD (Telecommuni-within three weeks of the vehicle delivery date. If you
cation Devices for the Deaf) equipment at its customerhave any questions about the service contract, call the
center. Any hearing or speech impaired customer, whomanufacturer’s Service Contract National Customer Hot-
has access to a TDD or a conventional teletypewriterline at 1-800-521-9922 (Canadian residents, call 1-800-485-
(TTY) in the United States, can communicate with the2001).
manufacturer by dialing 1–800–380–CHRY.The manufacturer will not stand behind any service
Canadian residents with hearing difficulties that requirecontract that is not the manufacturer’s service contract. It
assistance can use the special needs relay service offeredis not responsible for any service contract other than the
by Bell Canada. For TTY teletypewriter users, dial 711manufacturer’s service contract. If you purchased a ser-
and for Voice callers, dial 1 800 855-0511 to connect withvice contract that is not a manufacturer’s service contract,
a Bell Relay Service operator. and you require service after the manufacturer’s New
Service Contract Vehicle Limited Warranty expires, please refer to the
You may have purchased a service contract for a vehiclecontract documents, and contact the person listed in
to help protect you from the high cost of unexpectedthose documents. 9
repairs after the manufacturer’s New Vehicle Limited
Warranty expires. The manufacturer stands behind only

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year of production from: 2008

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Dodge Grand Caravan V 5 owners manual
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