owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Driving instructions
Driving instructions
Drive sensibly – save fuel Fuel consumption is also increased by driv-Pedals
ing in cold weather, in stop-and-go traffic,
Fuel consumption, to a great extent, on short trips, and in hilly area.
depends on driving habits and operating Warning! G
conditions. Drinking and driving
To save fuel you should: Make sure that absolutely no objects are ob-
structing the pedals’ range of movement.
Keep tires at the recommended tire Warning! G Keep the driver’s footwell clear of all obsta-
inflation pressures. cles. If there are any floormats or carpets in
Remove unnecessary loads. Drinking and driving and/or taking drugs the footwell, make sure the pedals still have
and driving are very dangerous combina-sufficient clearance. Otherwise this could
Remove roof rack when not in use.tions. Even a small amount of alcohol or lead to accidents or injury.
Allow engine to warm up under low drugs can affect your reflexes, perceptions
load use. and judgment. Power assistance
Avoid frequent acceleration and decel-The possibility of a serious or even fatal ac-
eration. cident are greatly increased when you drink
Have all maintenance work performed or take drugs and drive.Warning! G
at the intervals specified in the Mainte-Do not drink or take drugs and drive or allow
nance Booklet and as required by the anyone to drive who has been drinking or With the engine not running, there is no
Maintenance System (U.S. vehicles. taking drugs. power assistance for the brake and steering
Canada vehicles, depending on vehicle systems. In this case, it is important to keep
production date) or FSS PLUS (Canada in mind that a considerably higher degree of
vehicles, depending on vehicle produc- effort is necessary to brake and steer the ve-
tion date). Contact an authorized hicle.
Mercedes-Benz Center.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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