owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 6.QXP 11/26/2015 5:06 PM Page 28
What to do in an emergency
You may not be able to identify a low
tire by simply looking at it. Always
use a good quality tire pressure
The TPMS cannot alert you to Do not modify the vehicle, it
gauge to measure the tire's inflation
severe and sudden tire dam-
may interfere with the TPMS
pressure. Please note that a tire that age caused by external factorsfunction.
is hot (from being driven) will have a such as nails or road debris. The wheels on the market do
higher pressure measurement than a If you feel any vehicle instabil-not have a TPMS sensor.
tire that is cold (from sitting station-
ity, immediately take your footFor your safety, we recom-
ary for at least 3 hours and driven
off the accelerator, apply the
less than 1.6 km (1 mile) during that mend that you use parts for
brakes gradually and with
3 hour period). replacement from an author-
light force,and slowly move toized Kia dealer.
Allow the tire to cool before measur-
a safe position off the road. If you use the wheels on the
ing the inflation pressure. Always be market, use a TPMS sensor
sure the tire is cold before inflating to approved by a Kia dealer. If
the recommended pressure. WARNING - Protecting your vehicle is not equipped
A cold tire means the vehicle has with a TPMS sensor or TPMS
been sitting for 3 hours and driven forTampering with, modifying, ordoes not work properly, you
less than 1.6 km (1 mile) in that 3
disabling the Tire Pressure
may fail the periodic vehicle
hour period. Monitoring System (TPMS) com- inspection conducted in your
ponents may interfere with thecountry.
CAUTION system's ability to warn the driv-❈❈ All vehicles sold in the
er of low tire pressure condi-
We recommend that you use the EUROPE market during
sealant approved by Kia if your tions and/or TPMS malfunctions.below period must be
Tampering with, modifying, or equipped with TPMS.
vehicle is equipped with a Tire
disabling the Tire Pressure
Pressure Monitoring System. - New model vehicle :
Monitoring System (TPMS) com- Nov. 1, 2012 ~
The liquid sealant can damage
the tire pressure sensors. ponents may void the warranty - Current model vehicle :
for that portion of the vehicle.Nov. 1, 2014~ (Based on vehi-
cle registrations)
6 28
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manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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