owners manual Peugeot 1007
owners manual Peugeot 1007 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Peugeot 1007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 1007, year of production 2004 - 2009:
136 - Safety Safety - 137
Wherever you are seated After folding or moving a seat or rear
in the vehicle, always fas-bench seat, ensure that the seat belt
ten your seat belt, even for is positioned and rolled up correctly.
short journeys.
Recommendations for child seats:
Do not invert the seat belt buckles as - use a suitable child seat if the pas-
they will not fulil their role fully.senger is less than 12 years old or
If the seats have armrests*, the lap shorter than one metre ifty,
part of the seat belt must always - do not use the strap-guide* when a
pass under the armrest. child seat is installed.
Before and after use, ensure that the Depending on the nature and se-
seat belt is rolled up correctly.riousness of the impacts, the pre-
Rear seat belts In order to be effective, a seat belt:tensioning device may be triggered
- must be tightened as close to the before and independently of the air
The rear seats are itted with two body as possible,bags.
three-point inertia reel seat belts.- must restrain one adult only,In all cases, the air bag warning light
The retaining of the rear seat belt - must not bear any trace of cuts or comes on.
buckle by the sliding block makes fraying,Following an impact, have the seat
folding down or complete folding of - must not be twisted,belts system checked, and if nec-
the seats easier. - must not be transformed or modiied.essary replaced, by a PEUGEOT
Clean the seat belt straps with soapy dealer.
water or a textile cleaning product,
sold by PEUGEOT dealers.
* According to model.
01-10-2005 01-10-2005

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year of production from: 2004

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