owners manual Hyundai Tucson
owners manual Hyundai Tucson - year of production: 2015 - Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Tucson, year of production 2015:
What to do in an emergency
During winter or cold weatherLow pressure dama, ge The TPMS Malfunction
the TPMS indicator may illumi- Indicator will illuminate after it blinks
Significantly low tire pressure
nate if the tire pressures were for approximately one minute when
makes the vehicle unstable and there is a problem with the Tire
set when the outside tempera-
can contribute to loss of vehiclePressure Monitoring System.
ture was warm. As the outside
control and increased braking
air becomes colder, the pres- Have the system checked by an
sure in the tires will decrease. authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon
Continued driving on low pres-
Similarly, if the outside air
as possible.
becomes warmer, the pressuresure tires can cause the tires to
in the tires will increase. As youoverheat and fail.NOTICE
drive your vehicle, the tempera- If there is a malfunction with the
ture of the tires will heat up,
therefore the tire pressures will TPMS, the individual tire pres-
increase.Check and adjust your sures in the cluster LCD display
tire pressures regularly before will not be available. Have the sys-
driving to make sure your vehi- tem checked by an authorized
HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possi-
cle is operating at the correct
pressures as designed. ble.
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year of production from: 2015
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Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
pages 496 - 502
Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
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