owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 6.QXP 11/26/2015 5:06 PM Page 24
What to do in an emergency
Please note that the TPMS is not a
Each tire, including the spare (if pro-
substitute for proper tire maintenance,
vided), should be checked monthly
when cold and inflated to the inflationand it is the driver’s responsibility to
pressure recommended by the vehiclemaintain correct tire pressure, even if
manufacturer on the vehicle placard orunder-inflation has not reached the
level to trigger illumination of the
tire inflation pressure label. (If your
vehicle has tires of a different size thanTPMS low tire pressure telltale.
the size indicated on the vehicle plac-
ard or tire inflation pressure label, youYour vehicle has also been equipped
should determine the proper tire infla-with a TPMS malfunction indicator to
OJD062006 tion pressure for those tires.) indicate when the system is not oper-
As an added safety feature, your vehi-ating properly.The TPMS malfunction
cle has been equipped with a tire pres-indicator is combined with the low tire
sure monitoring system (TPMS) that
pressure telltale. When the system
illuminates a low tire pressure telltaledetects a malfunction, the telltale will
when one or more of your tires is sig-flash for approximately 1 minute and
nificantly under-inflated. Accordingly,then remain continuously illuminated.
when the low tire pressure telltale illu-This sequence will continue upon
minates, you should stop and check
subsequent vehicle start-ups as long
your tires as soon as possible, and
as the malfunction exists. When the
inflate them to the proper pressure.
OJD042144 TPMS malfunction indicator remains
Driving on a significantly under-inflat- illuminated after blinking for approxi-
(1) Low tire pressure telltale / ed tire causes the tire to overheat andmately 1 minute, the system may not
TPMS malfunction indicator can lead to tire failure. Under-inflationbe able to detect or signal low tire
also reduces fuel efficiency and tire
(2) Low tire pressure position telltale pressure as intended.
(Shown on the instrument paneltread life, and may affect the vehicle’s
display) handling and stopping ability.
6 24
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