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owners manual Mercedes SL

owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.26 MB) 618 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2012:
492 Rear Seat Entertainment System XSwitchonanoperatingmode(e.g.audio Basic functions CDmode)(Ypage494). Using headphones XSelect TreTrebleble or BasBasss using the :=;buttonsontheremote Youcanusethecordlessheadphones supplied and/or up to two sets of cordedcontrolandpressthe9buttontoconfirm. headphonesconnectedtothecorrespondingAnadjustment scale appears. jack of the rear-compartment screens XSelect a setting using the 9: (Y page 487). buttonsandpressthe9buttontoconfirm. Information on: R switching the cordless headphones on/offMultiple users R adjusting the volume of the headphones Simultaneous use of the rear- R selecting a screen for the headphones compartmentdiscdrive can be found under "Cordless headphones" The two rear-compartment screens can be (Y page 489). operated almost entirely independently from oneanother.However,therecanbeaconflict ND Using the main loudspeakers in some menus if the two screens are used MA simultaneously. This function is available in conjunction with COMAND. If the rear-compartment disc drive is being CO used for both screens simultaneously, Youcanusethevehicle loudspeakers to selecting certain menus or settings on one of listen to a disc inserted in the rear- the screens also affects the other screen. compartment drive. To do so, at least one of therear-compartmentscreensmustbesettoThe following functions affect both screens: disc mode. R changing playback options XTosetonCOMAND:pressthe$ R selectingatrack(fromatracklistorfolder) function button to switch on an audio R using the play, pause and stop functions mode. R fast forwarding/rewinding or scrolling XSelect AudAudioio by sliding ZV the COMAND R calling up the DVD menu and navigating controller and press W to confirm. within it The Audio menu appears. R setting the language, subtitles and camera XSelect ReaRearr AudAudioio by turning cVd the angle COMANDcontroller and press W to R calling up interactive DVD content confirm. The following functions affect only one iTheheadphones'volumesettingdoesnotscreen: affect the main loudspeakers. R audioandvideofunctionsaswellaspicture settings Selecting sound settings R switching between full screen and the YoucanselectthesoundsettingsintheCD/menu audioDVD/MP3,videoDVDandAUXmodes.
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year of production from: 2012

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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
pages 491 - 497
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Mercedes-Benz-SL-R231-owners-manual page 495 min
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Mercedes Benz SL R231 owners manual
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