owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
Change PIN - a maximum of 4 digits can beDownloading, updating and 2. Select New apps in order to open a list of
entered. uninstalling apps apps that are available but not installed in
Disable PIN - select whether the PIN codeOnce the car is connected, it is possible tothe car.
shall be required for access to the SIM card.download new apps, update existing apps or3.Tap anywhere on the row for an app in order
Send request code — used e.g. to top upuninstall apps. to expand in the list and get more informa-
• tion about the app.
or check the balance on a prepaid card.NOTE
Functionality depends on the provider. 4. Select Install in order to start the download
Related information Data download may affect other services thatand installation of the desired app.
transmit data, e.g. Internet radio. If the effect> The status of the download and installa-
• Online car* (p. 484) on other services is experienced as disruptivetion is shown while it is in progress.
Sharing Internet via Wi-Fi hotspot (p. 486)then the download can be interrupted. Alter-
• A message is shown if a download cannot
natively, it may be appropriate to switch off or
interrupt other services. be started for the moment. The app will
remain in the list and it is possible to try to
start a download again.
NOTE Cancelling a download
When downloading using a mobile phone,Tap on Abort to cancel a download in pro-
note the data download costs. –
The apps are managed via Note that only the download can be cancelled —
Download Centre in applica-installation cannot be cancelled once it has
tion view. begun.
To be able to download, updateUpdating apps
or uninstall apps, the car mustIf an app is being used during an ongoing update,
be online. it will be restarted in order for the installation to
be completed.
Downloading an app Update all
1. Open the app Download Centre. 1. Open the app Download Centre.
2. Select Install all.
> Updating is started.
* Option/accessory. 489

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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