owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
If you do not have a spareFuse s, use awitch
fuse of the same rating from a circuit
you may not need for operating the
vehicle, such as the power outlet
If the head lamp, turn signal lamp,
stop signal lamp, fog lamp, DRL, tail
lamp, HMSL do not work and the
fuses are OK, check the fuse panel
in the engine compartment.If a fuse
is blown, it must be replaced.
3. Pull the suspected fuse straight
✽✽ NOTICE OCK077034
out. Use the removal tool providedIf the headlamp, fog lamp, turn sig-
on the engine compartment fuse Always set the fuse switch to the ON
nal lamp, or tail lamp malfunction
panel cover. position before using the vehicle.
even without any problem to the
4. Check the removed fuse;replace it If you move the switch to the OFF
lamps, have the vehicle checked by
if it is blown. position, some items such as audio
an authorized Kia dealer for assis-
tance. and digital clock must be reset and
Spare fuses are provided in the transmitter (or smart key) may not
engine compartment fuse panel. work properly. When the switch is
5. Push in a new fuse of the same Off, the caution indicator will be dis-
rating, and make sure it fits tightly played on the instrument cluster.
in the clips. Always place the fuse switch in the
If it fits loosely, consult an authorized ON position while driving the vehicle.
Kia dealer. If the switch is located in the “OFF”
position, a caution indicator will be
displayed in the cluster.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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