owners manual Saab 9-3
owners manual Saab 9-3 - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-3, year of production 1998 - 2002:
48 Convertible
Convertible • Note that certain automatic carwashes • When the soft top is being operated, low-
can do damage to fabric soft tops. This ering or raising should be completed. Do
General safety instructions applies to carwashes that use mechanical not leave the soft top partially raised or
• Never touch the hinges and struts of the feelers bearing against the body. We lowered: after 20 seconds it will quickly
soft top nor the upper beam of the wind-advise against washing a Saab 9-3 Con-"settle down" when the hydraulic pres-
shield while operating the soft top. vertible in automatic carwashes.sure is automatically released.
• After raising the soft top, always check • Note that certain automatic car washes • It is important that the telescopic locking
that it is properly secured to the top beam can cause water to leak in places that nor-handle is completely pushed in when the
of the windshield with the soft top locking mally would not leak. Do not direct high soft top is closed.
device before driving the car away. pressure streams of water at the seals for • Fold down any auxilliary mounted
After folding it down you should check that the convertible top.antenna before raising the top to avoid
the tonneau cover latches have engaged • Roof racks and ski holders must not be possible antenna or top damage (e.g.,
properly. Otherwise it may come loose mounted on the soft top. OnStar cellular antenna on windshield of
while you are driving and cause injury. • Under no circumstances should anything Convertible).
• Do not operate the soft top with passen-be put into the storage space for the soft
gers in the rear seat or bystanders right top (under the tonneau cover) since this
next to the car. There is a risk of head inju-could cause obstruction when the soft top
ries while the soft top is in motion. is being folded away.
• Remove child car seats and children • See that no luggage is resting against the
before operating the soft top. soft top stowage space since this could
interfere with the rasing and folding of the
• Don’t operate the soft top in temperatures soft top.
below 23°F (-5°C).

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year of production from: 1998

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Saab 9 3 I 1 YS3D owners manual
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