owners manual Jeep Liberty
owners manual Jeep Liberty - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 - Jeep Liberty Cherokee KJ owners manual EN
pdf (5.99 MB) 374 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Liberty, year of production 2002 - 2007:
Along with the seat belts, front airbags work with theIf your vehicle is so equipped, the window bag on the
instrument panel knee bolsters to provide improvedcrash side of the vehicle is triggered in moderate to
protection for the driver and front passenger. Windowsevere side collisions. But even in collisions where the
bags also work with seat belts to improve occupantairbags work, you need the seat belts to keep you in the
protection. right position for the airbags to protect you properly.
The seat belts are designed to protect you in many typesHerearesomesimplestepsyoucantaketominimizethe
of collisions. The front airbags deploy in moderate torisk of harm from a deploying airbag.
severe frontal collisions. 1. Children 12 years and under should always ride
NOTE: Thepassengerfrontairbagmaynotdeployevenbuckledupinarearseatinanappropriatechildrestraint.
when the driver front airbag has if the Occupant Classi-Infants in rear-facing child restraints should NEVER ride
fication System (refer to “Occupant Classification Sys-in the front seat of a vehicle with a passenger front airbag.
tem” in this section) has determined the seat is empty orAnairbagdeploymentcancausesevereinjuryordeathto
is occupied by someone that is classified in the “child”infants in that position.
category. This could be a child, a teenager, or even a small
adult. If a child from 1 to 12 years old must ride in the front
passenger seat because the vehicle is crowded, move the
seat as far back as possible, and use the proper child
restraint. See “Child Restraint” in this section.

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year of production from: 2002

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Jeep Liberty Cherokee KJ owners manual
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Jeep Liberty Cherokee KJ owners manual
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