owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
What to do in an emergency
8.With the engine star9.t/stop bSwitch off the compressorutton.
position on or ignition switch posi-
10.Detach the hoses from the
tion on, switch on the compressor
sealant bottle connector and
and let it run for approximately 5~7from the tire valve.
minutes to fill the sealant up to
Return the TMK to its storage loca-
proper pressure. (refer to the Tire
tion in the vehicle.
and Wheels, chapter 8). The infla-
tion pressure of the tire after filling
is unimportant and will be
checked/corrected later. WARNING - Carbon
Be careful not to overinflate the tireCarbon monoxide poisoning
ORP042182 and stay away from the tire when
filling it. and suffocation is possible if
7.Plug the compressor power cord the engine is left running in a
into the front passenger side powerWhen the tire and wheel are dam-
poorly ventilated or unventilat-
outlet of the vehicle. aged, do not use Tire Mobility Kit for
ed location (such as inside a
your safety. building).
CAUTION - Tire pressure
Only use the front passenger
side power outlet when con-
Do not attempt to drive your
necting the power cord. vehicle if the tire pressure is
below 29 PSI (200kpa).This
could result in an accident due
to sudden tire failure.
6 26

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 476 - 482
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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