owners manual Hyundai Tucson
owners manual Hyundai Tucson - year of production: 2015 - Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Tucson, year of production 2015:
NOTICE (Continued) (Continued)
If the Ecoshift dual clutch trans-
• For vehicles equipped with the
To prevent engine and/or trans- mission starts to become over-
mission overheating: Ecoshift dual clutch transmis-
heated, the gear shift character-
sion, some extra precaution
• When towing a trailer on steep istics may change. Gear shifts
should be taken when towing a
grades (in excess of 6%) pay may become more abrupt.If
trailer. Due to the added load on
close attention to the engine
the transmission when towing a continued operation while tow-
coolant temperature gauge to ing a trailer includes frequent
trailer, the clutches may get hot
ensure the engine does not
if the vehicle experiences exces-and continuous upshifts and
overheat. If the needle of the downshifts, the overheat warn-
sive upshifting and downshift-
coolant temperature gauge
ing. ing message on the cluster LCD
moves towards "H" (HOT), pull display may illuminate. If this
Under certain conditions, such
over and stop as soon as it is occurs,stop the vehicle, apply
as repeated stop-and-go launch-
safe to do so, and allow the the brakes or shift the vehicle to
es on steep grades,the trans- 5
engine to idle until it cools
(P) Park, and allow the transmis-
down.You may proceed once themission clutches may become
sion to cool.
engine has cooled sufficiently.overheated. When the clutches Dri
• When towing a trailer, your vehi-start to become overheated, the ving y
transmission safe protection
cle speed may be much slower
mode logic is enabled.If the safe
than the general flow of traffic, our v
protection mode logic is
especially when climbing an
enabled, the gear position indi-
uphill grade. Use the right hand ehicle
lane when towing a trailer on an cator on the cluster LCD display
uphill grade. Choose your vehi- blinks, a chime sounds, and a
cle speed according to the max- warning message will appear.
imum posted speed limit for
vehicles with trailers, the steep-
ness of the grade,and your trail-
er weight.
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year of production from: 2015
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Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
pages 476 - 482
Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
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