owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
Related information Settings for radio Announcements function must be acti-
Radio (p. 468) vated at the same time.
• There are various radio functions to activate and
Start radio (p. 468) deactivate. - News : interrupts the current media play-
Searching for radio stations (p. 470) back and broadcasts news. Playback of pre-
• Cancelling traffic messages vious media source is resumed when the
Changing radio band and radio stationThe broadcast of traffic messages etc. can be
• news broadcast is finished.
(p. 469) temporarily interrupted by tapping on in the- Alarm: interrupts the current media play-
Voice control of radio and media (p. 131)right-hand steering wheel keypad or by tapping
• back and sends alerts about major accidents
Settings for radio (p. 471)Cancel in the centre display.and disasters. Playback of previous media
Application menu in driver display (p. 90)Activating and deactivating radiosource is resumed when the message is fin-
• ished.
Drag down the top view and select Settings- Traffic Announcements: interrupts the
Media and the desired radio band to view availa-current media playback and broadcasts infor-
ble functions. mation about traffic disruptions. Playback of
previous media source is resumed when the
AM/FM Radio message is finished.
Show Broadcast Information: shows
information on programme content, artists,
Freeze Program Name: select to stop the
programme service name from scrolling con-
tinuously. Instead it freezes after 20 seconds.
Select Announcements:
- Local Interruptions: interrupts the current
media playback and broadcasts information
about traffic disruptions in the neighbour-
hood. Playback of previous media source is
resumed when the message is finished. The
Local Interruptions function is a geograph-
ically restricted version of the Traffic
Announcements function. The Traffic

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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