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owners manual Nissan Sentra

owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.72 MB) 459 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
7. Checktomakesurethatthechildrestraintis properly secured prior to each use. If the seat belt is not locked, repeat steps 1 through 6. After the child restraint is removed and the seat belt fully retracted, the ALR mode (child restraint mode)is canceled. FORWARD-FACINGCHILD RESTRAINTINSTALLATIONUSING LATCH For additional information, refer to all Warnings and Cautions in the “Child safety” and “Child WRS0762 LRS2397restraints” sections of this manual before install- Rear-facing – step 5 Rear-facing – step 6 ing a child restraint. 5. Remove any additional slack from the seat6. After attaching the child restraint, test it be-Do not use the lower anchors if the combined belt; press downward and rearward firmly inforeyouplacethechildinit.Pushitfromsideweightofthechildandthechildrestraintexceeds the center of the child restraint to compressto side while holding the child restraint near65 lbs (29.5 kg). If the combined weight of the the vehicle seat cushion and seatback whilethe seat belt path. The child restraint shouldchild and the child restraint is greater than 65 lbs pulling up on the seat belt. not move more than 1 inch (25 mm), from(29.5 kg), use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the side to side. Try to tug it forward and checklower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be to see if the belt holds the restraint in place.sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s If the restraint is not secure, tighten the seatinstructions for installation. belt as necessary, or put the restraint inFollow these steps to install a forward-facing anotherseatandtestitagain.Youmayneedchild restraint using the LATCH system: to try a different child restraint. Not all child1. Position the child restraint on the seat. Al- restraints fit in all types of vehicles.ways follow the child restraint manufactur- er’s instructions. 1-30 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
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