owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Occupantsafety 45
Ypage60)inaddition to the child
tion. This poses an increased risk of injury or(
even fatal injury. restraint system manufacturer's installa-
Makesurethatall vehicle occupants aretion instructions
seatedproperlywithacorrectlyfastenedseatRbesuretoobservetheinstructions and
belt. safety notes on the "Occupant classifica-
tion system (OCS)" (Y page 51) ty
of protection if you have not moved the back-protective function if:
ing or in the event of an accident, you couldRtheyaredamaged,modified, extremely
slide underneath the seat belt and sustaindirty, bleach or dyed
abdomenorneckinjuries, for example. ThisRtheseatbelt buckle is damaged or
posesanincreasedriskofinjuryorevenfatalextremely dirty
injury. RtheEmergencyTensioningDevices, belt
Adjust the seat properly before beginninganchoragesorinertiareelshavebeenmodi-
is in an almost vertical position and that theSeat belts may sustain non-visible damage in
shoulder section of your seat belt is routedanaccident,e.g.duetoglasssplinters.Modi-
across the center of your shoulder.fied or damaged seat belts may tear or fail,
e.g. in an accident. Modified Emergency Ten-
GWARNING sioning Devices could accidentally trigger or
Persons under 5 ft (1.50 m) in height cannotfail to deploy when necessary. This poses an
fastentheseatbeltcorrectlywithoutanaddi-increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.
tional suitable restraint system. If the seatNever modify the seat belts, Emergency Ten-
belt is incorrectly fastened, it cannot protectsioning Devices, belt anchorages or inertia
as intended. Furthermore, an incorrectly fas-reels. Make sure that the seat belts are
tenedseatbeltcancauseadditionalinjury,forundamaged, not worn out and clean. Follow-
example, in an accident, during braking or aning an accident, have the seat belts checked
abrupt change of direction. This poses animmediately at a qualified specialist work-
increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.shop.
Forthis reason, always secure persons underOnly use seat belts that have been approved
5ft (1.50 m) in height in suitable restraintfor your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz.
If a child younger than twelve years old andProper use of the seat belts
under5ft(1.50m)inheightistravelingintheObserve the safety notes on the seat belt
vehicle: (Y page 44).
Ralwayssecurethechild in a child restraintAll vehicle occupants must be wearing the
system suitable for this Mercedes-Benzseat belt correctly before beginning the jour-
vehicle. The child restraint system must beney. Also make sure that all vehicle occu-
appropriate to the age, weight and size ofpants are always wearing the seat belt cor-
the child rectly while the vehicle is in motion.
notes in the "Children in the vehicle" sec-
tion of this Operator's Manual

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year of production from: 2015

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