owners manual Mercedes W140
owners manual Mercedes W140 - year of production: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 - Mercedes Benz S W140 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes W140, year of production 1991 - 1998:
Warning! • Position the lap belt as low whichis properly secured by a lap
as possible on your hips and notbelt or lap belt portion of a lap-
USESEATBELTSPROPERLY. across the abdomen. If the belt isshoulder belt. Children could be en
positioned across your abdomen,dangered in an accident if their
• Eachoccupantshouldweartheir it could cause serious injuries in achild restraints are not properly
seat belt at all times. Togethercrash. secured in the vehicle.
with the "SRS", the seat belt
offers the best conditions for•Eachseat belt should never be• Rear-facing child restraints must
protection of the body in case ofused for more than one person atnot be used in the front seat with
majorfrontal impact. a time. a passenger side airbag. They
could be struck by the airbag
• Improperly positioned seat belts•Belts should not be worn twisted.whenitinflates in a crash. If this
donotprovide maximum In a crash, you wouldn't have thehappens, a child in the restraint
protection and may cause seriousfull width of the belt to takecould be seriously injured.
injuries in case of an accident.impact forces. The twisted belt
against your body could cause•According to accident statistics,
• Neverweartheshoulderbelt injuries. children are safer when properly
underyourarm,againstyour restrained in the rear seating
neckoroffyourshoulder. In a• Pregnantwomenshouldalsousea positions than in the front seating
crash, your body would move toolap-shoulder belt. The lap beltpositions.
far forward. That would increaseportion should be positioned as
the chance of head and neck low as possible on the hips to•Children too big for child
injuries. The belt would alsoavoid any possible pressure onrestraint systems should use
apply too much force to the ribs,the abdomen. regular seat belts. Position
whichcouldseverely injure shoulder belt across chest and
internal organs such as your liverUSECHILDRESTRAINTS shoulder, not face or neck. A
or spleen. PROPERLY. booster seat may be necessary to
achieve proper belt positioning.
• Infants and small children must
be seated in an infant or child
restraint system,
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year of production from: 1991
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