owners manual Hyundai Ioniq
owners manual Hyundai Ioniq - year of production: 2016 - Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Ioniq, year of production 2016:
What to do in an emergency
Emergency towing Always follow these emergency tow-
ing precautions:
If towing is necessary, we recom-
mend you have it done by an author- While depressing the brake pedal
shift to the N (Neutral) position and
ized HYUNDAI dealer or a commer-
cial tow truck service. turn the vehicle off. The POWER
If towing service is not available in anbutton will be in the ACC position.
Release the parking brake.
emergency, your vehicle may be
temporarily towed using a cable or
Depress the brake pedal with more
chain secured to the emergency tow-force than normal since you will
ing hook at the front (or rear) of the
have reduced braking perform-
vehicle. ance.
Use extreme caution when towing OAEE066017
More steering effort will be required Use a towing cable or chain less
the vehicle with a cable or chain. A
because the power steering systemthan 5 m (16 feet) long. Attach a
driver must be in the vehicle to steerwill be disabled. white or red cloth (about 30 cm (12
it and operate the brakes. Use a vehicle heavier than your
Towing in this manner may be done inches) wide) in the middle of the
own to tow your vehicle. cable or chain for easy visibility.
only on hard-surfaced roads for a
The drivers of both vehicles should Drive carefully so the towing cable
short distance and at low speeds.
communicate with each other fre-
Also, the wheels, axles, power train, or chain remains tight during tow-
quently. ing.
steering and brakes must all be in
Before emergency towing, check
good condition. Before towing, check the reduction
that the hook is not broken or dam-gear for fluid leaks under your vehi-
aged. cle. If the reduction gear fluid is
Fasten the towing cable or chain
leaking, flatbed equipment or a tow-
securely to the hook. ing dolly must be used.
Do not jerk the hook. Apply steady
and even force.

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year of production from: 2016

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Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
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