owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
Settings for radio bourhood. Playback of previous media sourceAlarm - interrupts the current media play-
Settings for the different radio bands.is resumed when the message is finished.back and sends alerts about major accidents
The Local Interruptions function is a geo-and disasters. Playback of previous media
The broadcast of traffic messages etc. can begraphically restricted version of the Trafficsource is resumed when the message is fin-
temporarily interrupted by tapping on in theAnnouncements function. The Trafficished.
right-hand steering wheel keypad or by tappingAnnouncements function must be acti-Traffic Flash — receives information about
on Cancel in the centre display. vated at the same time. traffic disruptions.
Alarm - interrupts the current media play-
Drag down the top view and select Settings• News Flash — receives news.
Media and the desired radio band. Activating/back and sends alerts about major accidentsTransport Flash — receives information
deactivating functions. and disasters. Playback of previous mediaabout public transport, e.g. ferry and train
source is resumed when the message is fin-timetables.
AM/FM ished.
Show Broadcast Information — shows Warning/Services — receives information
• DAB about incidents of lower significance than
information on programme content, artists,Sort Services - selection for how channels
etc. • the Alarm function, e.g. power failures.
will be sorted. Either alphabetically or byShow Broadcast Information — select to
Freeze Program Name — select to stop •
• service number. show radio text or selected types of radio
the programme service name from scrollingDAB To DAB Handover - starts the func-
continuously. Instead it freezes after 20 sec-• text, e.g. artist.
onds. tion for linking within DAB. If reception of aShow Program Related Images — select
radio channel is lost, another channel is•
News - interrupts the current media play- whether or not to show images for pro-
• found automatically in another channel groupgrammes on the screen.
back and broadcasts news. Playback of pre-(ensemble).
vious media source is resumed when theDAB To FM Handover - starts the functionRelated information
news broadcast is finished. •
Radio (p. 458)
for linking between DAB and FM. If reception•
Traffic Announcements - interrupts the
• of a radio channel is lost, an alternative FMSymbols in the centre displays status bar
current media playback and broadcasts infor- •
frequency is searched for automatically.(p. 45)
mation about traffic disruptions. Playback ofSelect Announcements — select the
• Digital radio (p. 461)
previous media source is resumed when the •
message is finished. types of messages to be received while DAB
Local Interruptions — interrupts the cur-is playing. Selected messages will interrupt
• the current media playback to play back the
rent media playback and broadcasts informa-message. Playback of previous media source
tion about traffic disruptions in the neigh-is resumed when the message is finished.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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