owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
long as the engine operating temperature is satisfactory,• Checkthecoolant freeze point in the radiator and in the
the coolant bottle need only be checked once a month.coolant expansion bottle. If engine coolant (antifreeze)
Whenadditional engine coolant (antifreeze) is needed toneedstobeadded,thecontentsofthecoolantexpansion
maintain the proper level, it should be added to thebottle must also be protected against freezing.
coolant bottle. Do not overfill. • If frequent engine coolant (antifreeze) additions are
Points To Remember required, the cooling system should be pressure tested
for leaks.
NOTE: When the vehicle is stopped after a few miles/• Maintain engine coolant (antifreeze) concentration at
kilometers of operation, you may observe vapor coming50% OAT engine coolant (antifreeze) (minimum) and
from the front of the engine compartment. This is nor-distilled water for proper corrosion protection of your
mally a result of moisture from rain, snow, or highengine which contains aluminum components.
humidity accumulating on the radiator and being vapor-• Make sure that the coolant expansion bottle overflow
ized when the thermostat opens, allowing hot enginehoses are not kinked or obstructed.7
coolant (antifreeze) to enter the radiator.
If an examination of your engine compartment shows no• Keep the front of the radiator clean. If your vehicle is
evidence of radiator or hose leaks, the vehicle may beequipped with air conditioning, keep the front of the
safely driven. The vapor will soon dissipate.condenser clean.
• Do not overfill the coolant expansion bottle.

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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