owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2014 - Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2014:
In case of emergency/Jump starting9-11
Jump starting eyeprotectors,andremovemetal&Howtojumpstart
objects such as rings, bands or1. Make sure the booster battery is 12
other metal jewelry. volts and the negative terminal is
WARNING . Be sure the jumper cables andgrounded.
. Battery fluid is SULFURIC ACID.clamps on them do not have2. If the booster battery is in another
Donotlet it come in contact withloose or missing insulation.vehicle, do not let the two vehicles touch.
the eyes, skin, clothing or the. Do not jump start unless cables3. Turn off all unnecessary lights and
vehicle. in suitable condition are avail-accessories.
If battery fluid gets on you, able. 4. Connect the jumper cables exactly in
thoroughly flush the exposed. Arunning engine can be danger-the sequence illustrated.
area with water immediately. Getous. Keep your fingers, hands,
medical help if the fluid has clothing, hair and tools away
entered your eyes. from the cooling fan, belts and
Ifbattery fluid is accidentallyany other moving engine parts.
swallowed, immediately drink aRemoving rings, watches and
large amount of milk or water,ties is advisable.
and obtain immediate medical. Jumpstartingisdangerousifitis
help. done incorrectly. If you are un-
Keep everyone including chil- sure about the proper procedure
dren away from the battery. for jump starting, consult a com-
petent mechanic.
. The gas generated by a battery
explodes if a flame or spark isWhenyourvehicle does not start due to a
brought near it. Do not smoke orrun down (discharged) battery, the vehicle
light a match while jump starting.may be jump started by connecting your
. Neverattemptjumpstartingif thebattery to another battery (called the
discharged battery is frozen. Itbooster battery) with jumper cables.
could cause the battery to burst
or explode.
. Whenever working on or around
a battery, always wear suitable
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year of production from: 2014
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Subaru Outback Legacy V 5 owners manual
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