owners manual Chevrolet Suburban
owners manual Chevrolet Suburban - year of production: 2007 - Chevrolet Suburban owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Suburban, year of production 2007:
Chevrolet Tahoe/Suburban Owner Manual - 2012 - 2nd - 11/9/11Black plate (90,1)
10-90 Vehicle Care
Notice: If any accessories are leftterminal. You should always useSeeEngineCompartment
onorpluggedinduringthejumpthese remote terminals insteadOverview on page 10‑6for more
starting procedure, they could beof the terminals on the battery.information on the location of the
damaged.TherepairswouldnotIf the vehicle has a remoteremote positive(+) and remote
be covered by the vehiclepositive(+) terminal, it is locatednegative(−) terminals.
warranty. Whenever possible,under a red plastic cover at the
turn off or unplug all accessoriespositive battery post. To uncover{WARNING
oneither vehicle when jumpthe remote positive(+) terminal,
starting the vehicle. open the red plastic cover.Anelectric fan can start up even
3. Turn off the ignition on both whenthe engine is not running
vehicles. Unplug unnecessary and can injure you. Keep hands,
accessories plugged into the clothing and tools away from any
accessory power outlets. Turn underhood electric fan.
off the radio and all the lamps
that are not needed. This avoids
sparks and helps save both {WARNING
batteries. And it could save the
radio! Using an open flame near a
4. Open the hood on the other battery can cause battery gas to
vehicle and locate the explode. People have been hurt
positive(+) and negative(−) doing this, and some have been
terminal locations on that blinded. Use a flashlight if you
vehicle. The remote negative (−) terminalneed more light.
Your vehicle has a remoteis a stud located on the right(Continued)
positive(+) jump startingfront of the engine, where the
terminal and a remotenegative battery cable attaches.
negative(−) jump starting
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year of production from: 2007
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