owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
What to do in an emergency
If your temperature gauge indicates4.Check to see if the water pump
overheating, you will experience adrive belt is missing. If it is not
loss of power, or hear loud pinging ormissing, check to see that it is
Do not remove the radiator cap
knocking, the engine is probably tootight. If the drive belt seems to be
when the engine is hot.This can
hot. If this happens, you should:satisfactory, check for coolant leak-allow coolant to blow out of the
ing from the radiator, hoses or
opening and cause serious
under the vehicle. (If the air condi-
1.Pull off the road and stop as soon burns.
as it is safe to do so.tioning had been in use, it is nor-
mal for cold water to be draining
2.Place the shift lever in P (automat- from it when you stop).6.If you cannot find the cause of the
ic transaxle) or neutral (manual overheating, wait until the engine
transaxle) and set the parking
WARNING temperature has returned to nor-
brake. If the air conditioning is on, mal.Then, if coolant has been lost,
turn it off. While the engine is running,
carefully add coolant to the reser-
keep hair, hands and clothing
3.If engine coolant is running out voir to bring the fluid level in the
under the vehicle or steam is com-away from moving parts suchreservoir up to the halfway mark.
as the fan and drive belts to pre-
ing out from the hood, stop the
vent injury. 7.Proceed with caution, keeping
engine. Do not open the hood until alert for further signs of overheat-
the coolant has stopped running ing. If overheating happens again,
or the steaming has stopped.If
5.If the water pump drive belt is bro- we recommend that you call an
there is no visible loss of engine
ken or engine coolant is leaking
authorized Kia dealer.
coolant and no steam, leave the
out, stop the engine immediately
engine running and check to be
and we recommend that you call
sure the engine cooling fan is oper-an authorized Kia dealer.CAUTION
ating. If the fan is not running, turn Serious loss of coolant indi-
the engine off. cates there is a leak in the cool-
ing system and we recommend
that the system be checked by
an authorized Kia dealer.
6 8

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 458 - 464
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
page 461 / 1480
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