owners manual Chevrolet Silverado
owners manual Chevrolet Silverado - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet Silverado I 1 owners manuals EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Silverado, year of production 1998 - 2006:
If your vehicle has the passenger sensing system or theTop Strap
airbag off switch and you need to secure a rear-facing
child restraint in the right front passenger’s seat,Some child restraints have a top strap or 'top tether'.
the passenger’s frontal airbag must be off. SeeIt can help restrain the child restraint during a
Passenger Sensing System on page 1-72, Airbag Offcollision. For it to work, a top strap much be properly
Switch on page 1-69, Securing a Child Restraint inanchored to the vehicle. Some top strap-equipped
the Right Front Seat Position (Regular and Extendedchild restraints are designed for use with or without
Cab) (With Airbag Off Switch) on page 1-54 or Securingthe top strap being anchored. Others require the
a Child Restraint in the Right Front Seat Positiontop strap always to be anchored. Be sure to read
(Regular and Extended Cab) (With Passenger Sensingand follow the instructions for your child restraint.
System) on page 1-59 for more on this includingIf yours requires that the top strap be anchored,
important safety information. do not use the restraint unless it is anchored properly.
Wherever you install it, be sure to secure the childIf the child restraint does not have a top strap, one
restraint properly. can be obtained, in kit form, for many child restraints.
Keep in mind that an unsecured child restraint canAsk the child restraint manufacturer whether or not a
move around in a collision or sudden stop and injurekit is available.
people in the vehicle. Be sure to properly secure
any child restraint in your vehicle — even when no
child is in it.

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year of production from: 1998

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Chevrolet Silverado I 1 owners manuals
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