owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
empty is automatically selected and the digits blinkTrip computer resetCAUTION
in order to draw the driver’s attention. Press thePushing the TRIP button/Steering wheelEven if the display is not flashing, there is no
TRIPbutton/Steering wheelswitch if you wishswitch for more than 3 seconds will reset all modesguaranteethattheroadisfreeofhazardscaused
to return to the mode that was selected before theexcept Trip A and distance to empty.by inclement weather.
warning occurred.
Whenthe fuel level drops even lower, the distanceOUTSIDETEMPERATUREDISPLAYNOTE
to empty will displayalong within aTheoutsidetemperaturefunctionprovidesadisplayThe outside air temperature sensor is located at
flashing mode. jC oftheoutsidetemperature(ºC)whentheignitionthefrontofthevehicle.Atlowspeedsthesensor
Average fuel consumption (l/100 km orswitch is in the ON position.can be affected by engine heat, heat reflected
mpg) The display of positive temperatures is unsignedfrom the road surface and exhaust from other
(blank), negative temperatures are prefixed with avehicles, these influences can cause the display
The average fuel consumption mode shows the av-minus sign. to be inaccurate. To compensate, the outside air
eragefuelconsumptionsincethelastreset.Thedis- temperature display is designed to react slowly
played average fuel consumption can be reset byLowtemperature warningto increasing temperatures, but quickly to falling
pressing the TRIP button/Steering wheelAbove 4°C the display remains steady.temperatures.
switch for more than 1 second.The display will flash to indicate a low outside airENGINEOILLEVELINFORMATION
Average speed (km/h or MPH) temperature, and the possibility of icy or slippery(where fitted)
The average speed mode shows the average ve-road conditions:Whentheignition is turned to the ON position, dis-
hicle speed since the last reset. The displayed aver-• When the outside temperature drops betweentancetooilchangeinformationandoillevel sta-
age speed can be reset by pressing the TRIP but-–3°Cand3°C.tus are displayed on the LCD display jE in the fol-
ton/Steering wheelswitch for more than 1• Whenstarting the vehicle below –3°C.lowing order:
second. – Distance to oil change (with a wrench symbol
Journey time m The temperature display will not flash:)
• After approximately 20 seconds, when starting– Oil level status (“Oil Good” or “Oil Lo”)
Thejourneytimemodeshowsthetimesincethelastthe vehicle and the outside temperature is below
reset in minutes and seconds. The displayed time–3°C. Only for models with HR16DE or K9K engine.
can be reset by pressing the TRIP button/Steering• Whentheoutsidetemperature rises from belowFordetails,see“HR16DEorK9Kengineoillevel
wheel switch for more than 1 second.–3°Cinto the range between –3°C and 3°C.status” later in this section.
• While driving, when the outside temperatureAfter the oil level status (where fitted), the LCD dis-
drops below –3°C. playswitchestothelasttwintripodometer/tripcom-
2-4 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2006

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