owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
The towing eye may be used to pull the car upRecovery Related information
onto a recovery vehicle with a flatbed platform. Fitting and removing the towing eye (p. 453)
For recovery, the car is taken away with the help•
The cars position and ground clearance deter-of another vehicle.
mine whether it is possible. Call a recovery service for recovery assistance.
If the slope of the recovery vehicles ramp is tooThe towing eye can be used to pull the car up
steep, or if the ground clearance under the car isonto a recovery vehicle with a flatbed platform.
inadequate, then the car may be damaged if youThe cars position and ground clearance deter-
try to pull it up using the towing eye.mine whether it is possible to pull it up onto a
If necessary, raise the car by using the recoveryflatbed platform. If the slope of the recovery vehi-
vehicles lifting device. Do not use the towing eye.cles ramp is too steep, or if the ground clearance
under the car is inadequate, then the car may be
WARNING damaged if you try to pull it up. The car should
No one/nothing is allowed to remain behindthen be lifted using the recovery vehicles lifting
the recovery vehicle while the car pulled updevice.
onto the flatbed platform.
IMPORTANT No one/nothing is allowed to remain behind
The towing eye is only designed for towing onthe recovery vehicle while the car pulled up
onto the flatbed platform.
roads - not for pulling the car unstuck or out
of a ditch. Call a recovery service for recovery
assistance. IMPORTANT
The towing eye is only designed for towing on
Related information roads - not for pulling the car unstuck or out
Towing (p. 452) of a ditch. Call a recovery service for recovery
• assistance.
Recovery (p. 455)
Tool kit (p. 529)
Note that the car must always be transported
with the wheels rolling forward.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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