owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
•Exhaust gases can injure or kill. They contain•The catalytic converter requires the use of un-
carbon monoxide (CO), which is colorless andleaded fuel only. Leaded gasoline will destroy the
odorless. Breathing it can make you unconsciouseffectiveness of the catalyst as an emissions control
and can eventually poison you. To avoid breathingdevice and may seriously reduce engine perfor-
CO, refer to “Safety Tips/Exhaust Gas” in “Thingsmance and cause serious damage to the engine.
To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle” for further•Damagetothecatalyticconverter can result if your
information. vehicle is not kept in proper operating condition.
•Ahot exhaust system can start a fire if you parkIn the event of engine malfunction, particularly
over materials that can burn. Such materials mightinvolving engine misfire or other apparent loss of
be grass or leaves coming into contact with yourperformance, have your vehicle serviced promptly.
exhaust system. Do not park or operate your ve-Continued operation of your vehicle with a severe7
hicle in areas where your exhaust system can con-malfunction could cause the converter to overheat,
tact anything that can burn. resulting in possible damage to the converter and

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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