owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
The towing eye may be used to pull the car upTowing 5.Move the gear selector to neutral position N
onto a recovery vehicle with a flatbed platform.During towing, the car is towed by another vehi-and release the parking brake.
The cars position and ground clearance deter-cle by means of a towline.If the battery voltage is too low, the parking
mine whether it is possible. brake cannot be disengaged. Connect a
If the slope of the recovery vehicles ramp is tooFind out the statutory maximum speed limit fordonor battery if the battery voltage is too low.
steep, or if the ground clearance under the car istowing before the towing begins.
> The towing vehicle can now start towing.
inadequate, then the car may be damaged if youPreparations and towing6.Keep the towline taut when the towing vehi-
try to pull it up using the towing eye.1.Activate the cars hazard warning flashers.cle reduces speed by holding your foot gen-
If necessary, raise the car by using the recovery2.Secure the towline in the towing eye.tly pressed on the brake pedal - thereby
vehicles lifting device. Do not use the towing eye.3.Deactivate the steering lock by unlocking theavoiding unnecessary jerking.
WARNING car. 7.Be prepared to brake to stop.
No one/nothing is allowed to remain behindNOTE IMPORTANT
the recovery vehicle while the car pulled up Note that the car must always be towed with
onto the flatbed platform. In ignition position II the steering lock isthe wheels rolling forward.
deactivated if the car has been unlocked. See
section “Ignition position” for more informa-Do not tow cars with automatic transmis-
tion. sion at speeds higher than 80 km/h
The towing eye is only designed for towing on (50 mph) or for distances in excess of 80
roads - not for pulling the car unstuck or out4.Set the car in ignition position II by turningkm.
of a ditch. Call a recovery service for recoverythe start knob clockwise and holding the
assistance. start knob in position for approx. 4 seconds.WARNING
Then release the knob, which automatically
Check that the steering lock is unlocked
Related information returns to its starting position.•
Towing (p. 453) before towing.
• To reach level II without starting the engine -
Ignition position II must be active - in
Recovering the car (p. 454) do not depress the brake pedal, or the clutch•
• ignition position I all airbags are deacti-
pedal for cars with manual gearbox, whenvated.
selecting the ignition position.
Always keep the remote control key in the
car when it is being towed.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
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