owners manual Hyundai Tucson
owners manual Hyundai Tucson - year of production: 2015 - Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Tucson, year of production 2015:
OTL055135 OTL055136 OTL055137
- Changing lanes When driving in stop-and-go tr- Detecting the vaffic,ehicle in front of you
and a stopped vehicle in front of you
When a vehicle changes lanes in If the vehicle in front of you has cargo5
front of you, the AEB system may notmerges out of the lane, the AEB sys-that extends rearward from the cab,
tem may not immediately detect the Dri
immediately detect the vehicle, espe- or when the vehicle in front of you
new vehicle that is now in front of ving y
cially if the vehicle changes lanes has higher ground clearance, addi-
you. In this case, you must maintain
abruptly.In this case, you must main- tional special attention is required.
a safe braking distance, and if nec-
our v
tain a safe braking distance, and if The AEB system may not be able to
essary, depress the brake pedal to
necessary, depress the brake pedal detect the cargo extending from the
reduce your driving speed in order to
to reduce your driving speed in ordermaintain a safe distance. vehicle. In these instances, you mustehicle
to maintain a safe distance. maintain a safe braking distance
from the rearmost object, and if nec-
essary, depress the brake pedal to
reduce your driving speed in order to
maintain distance.
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year of production from: 2015
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Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
pages 450 - 456
Hyundai Tucson III 3 owners manual
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