owners manual Volvo XC40
owners manual Volvo XC40 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC40 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC40, year of production 2017:
Driving with a trailer Follow the regulations in force for the permit-
When driving with a trailer, there are a number ofted speeds and weights.
points that are important to think about regar-Maintain a low speed when driving with aWhen the engine is switched off, the constant
• battery voltage to the trailer connector can be
ding the towbar, the trailer and how the load istrailer up long, steep ascents.switched off automatically so as not to drain
positioned in the trailer. The maximum indicated trailer weight only
• the starter battery.
Payload depends on the cars kerb weight. Theapplies to heights up to 1000 metres above
total of the weight of the passengers and allsea level (3280 ft). At higher elevations, theTrailer weights
accessories, e.g. towbar, reduces the cars pay-engine output and the vehicles climbing abil-
load by a corresponding weight. ity are reduced due to the reduced air den-
sity, and the maximum trailer load mustWARNING
The car is supplied with the necessary equipmenttherefore be reduced. The weight of the carFollow the stated recommendations for trailer
for towing a trailer. and trailer must be decreased by 10% forweights. Otherwise, the car and trailer may be
The cars towbar must be of an approvedeach additional 1000 m (3280 ft) (or partdifficult to control in the event of sudden
• thereof). movement and braking.
Avoid driving with a trailer on inclines of more
Distribute the load on the trailer so that the•
• than 12%.
weight on the towbar complies with the NOTE
specified maximum towball load. Towball loadNOTE The stated maximum permitted trailer weights
is calculated as part of the cars payload. are those permitted by Volvo. National vehicle
Increase the tyre pressure to the recom-Extreme weather conditions, driving with aregulations can further limit trailer weights
• trailer or driving at high altitudes in combina-
mended pressure for a full load. tion with fuel quality are factors that consider-and speeds. Towbars can be certified for
The engine is loaded more heavily than usual higher towing weights than the car can
• ably increase the cars fuel consumption.actually tow.
when driving with a trailer.
Do not tow a heavy trailer when the car is
• Trailer connector
brand new. Wait until it has been driven atAn adapter is required if the cars towbar has aLevel control*
least 1000 km (620 miles). 13 pin connector and the trailer has a 7 pin con-The cars system for level control endeavours to
The brakes are loaded much more than usual maintain a constant height regardless of load (up
• nector. Use an adapter approved by Volvo. Maketo the maximum permissible weight). When the
on long and steep downhill slopes. Downshiftsure the cable does not drag on the ground.car is stationary the rear of the car lowers slightly,
to a lower gear when shifting manually and which is normal.
adjust your speed.
448 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC40 owners manual
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