owners manual Volvo XC60
owners manual Volvo XC60 - year of production: 2017 - Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo XC60, year of production 2017:
|| Dimensions, mounting points (mm) Driving with a trailer to a lower gear when shifting manually and
When driving with a trailer, there are a number ofadjust your speed.
A 1041.3 points that are important to think about regar-Follow the regulations in force for the permit-
B 90 ding the towing bracket, the trailer and how theted speeds and weights.
load is positioned in the trailer. Maintain a low speed when driving with a
C 875 •
Payload depends on the cars kerb weight. Thetrailer up long, steep ascents.
D 437,5 total of the weight of the passengers and allThe maximum indicated trailer weight only
E See the image above accessories, e.g. towbar, reduces the cars pay-applies to heights up to 1000 metres above
load by a corresponding weight. sea level (3280 ft). At higher elevations, the
F 283.5 The car is supplied with the necessary equipmentengine output and the vehicles climbing abil-
for towing a trailer. ity are reduced due to the reduced air den-
G Ball centre sity, and the maximum trailer load must
The cars towing bracket must be of an
Related information • therefore be reduced. The weight of the car
approved type. and trailer must be decreased by 10% for
• Towing bracket* (p. 445) Distribute the load on the trailer so that theeach additional 1000 m (3280 ft) (or part
• thereof).
weight on the towing bracket complies with
the specified maximum towball load. TowballAvoid driving with a trailer on inclines of more
load is calculated as part of the cars payload.than 12%.
Increase the tyre pressure to the recom-
mended pressure for a full load. For more
information on tyre pressure, see the sectionExtreme weather conditions, driving with a
"Approved tyre pressures". trailer or driving at high altitudes in combina-
The engine is loaded more heavily than usualtion with fuel quality are factors that consider-
• ably increase the cars fuel consumption.
when driving with a trailer.
Do not tow a heavy trailer when the car is
• Trailer connector
brand new. Wait until it has been driven atAn adapter is required if the cars towing bracket
least 1000 km (620 miles). has a 13 pin connector and the trailer has a 7 pin
The brakes are loaded much more than usual
• connector. Use an adapter approved by Volvo.
on long and steep downhill slopes. DownshiftMake sure the cable does not drag on the
448 * Option/accessory.

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year of production from: 2017

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Volvo XC60 II 2 owners manual
pages 447 - 453
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