owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Due to legal requirements in some states andThis vehicle is equipped with an Event Data Re-Thesedatacanhelpprovideabetterunderstand-
Canadian Provinces, your vehicle may be re-corder (EDR). The main purpose of an EDR is toing of the circumstances in which crashes and
quired to be in what is called the “ready condi-record, in certain crash or near crash-like situa-injuries occur. NOTE: EDR data are recorded by
tion” for an Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) test oftions, such as an air bag deployment or hitting ayour vehicle only if a nontrivial crash situation
the emission control system. roadobstacle,datathatwillassistinunderstand-occurs; no data are recorded by the EDR under
Thevehicleissettothe“readycondition”wheniting howavehicle’ssystemsperformed.TheEDRnormal driving conditions and no personal data
is driven through certain driving patterns. Usually,is designed to record data related to vehicle(e.g. name, gender, age and crash location) are
the ready condition can be obtained by ordinarydynamicsandsafetysystemsforashortperiodofrecorded. However, other parties, such as law
usage of the vehicle. time,typically30secondsorless.TheEDRinthisenforcement, could combine the EDR data with
vehicle is designed to record such data as:the type of personally identifying data routinely
If a powertrain system component is repaired or● How various systems in your vehicle wereacquired during a crash investigation.
the battery is disconnected, the vehicle may beoperating; ToreaddatarecordedbyanEDR,specialequip-
resettoa“notready”condition.Beforetakingthe mentisrequiredandaccesstothevehicleorthe
I/M test, check the vehicle’s● Whether or not the driver and passengerEDRisneeded. In addition to the vehicle manu-
inspection/maintenance test readiness condi-safety belts were buckled/fastened;facturer and NISSAN dealer, other parties, such
tion. Place the ignition switch in the ON position● Howfar (if at all) the driver was depressingas law enforcement, that have the special equip-
without starting the engine. If the Malfunctionthe accelerator and/or brake pedal; and,ment, can read the information if they have ac-
IndicatorLight(MIL)comesonsteadyfor20sec- cesstothevehicleortheEDR.EDRdatawillonly
ondsandthenblinksfor10seconds,theI/Mtest● Howfastthevehicle was traveling.be accessed with the consent of the vehicle
condition is “not ready”. If the MIL does not blink● Soundsarenotrecorded.ownerorlessee or as otherwise required or per-
after 20 seconds, the I/M test condition is mitted by law.
“ready”. It is recommended that you visit a
NISSANdealertosetthe“readycondition”or to
prepare the vehicle for testing.
Technical and consumer information 9-21

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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