owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Driving your vehicle
Hitches Safety chains Trailer brakes
It's important to have the correct hitchYou should always attach chainsIf your trailer is equipped with a brak-
equipment. Crosswinds, large trucks between your vehicle and your trail- ing system, make sure it conforms to
going by, and rough roads are a fer.eCross the safwety chains under theyour country’s regulations and that it
reasons why you’ll need the rtongue of the trightailer so that theis properly installed and operating
hitch. Here are some rules to follow:tongue will not drop to the road if itcorrectly.
becomes separated from the hitch.
Do you have to make any holes in If your trailer weight exceeds the
the body of your vehicle when youInstructions about safety chains may maximum allowed weight without
install a trailer hitch? If you do, thenbe provided by the hitch manufactur- trailer brakes, then the trailer will also
be sure to seal the holes laterer or by the trailer manrequire its oufacturer.wn brakes as well. Be
when you remove the hitch.Follow the manufacturer’s recom-sure to read and follow the instruc-
mendation for attaching saftions for the trailer brakes so you’ll beety
The bumpers on your vehicle are
chains. Always leave just enoughable to install, adjust and maintain
not intended for hitches. Do not
slack so you can turn with your trail-them properly.
attach rental hitches or other
er. And, never allow safety chains to
bumper-type hitches to them. Use Do not tap into or modify your vehi-
drag on the ground.
only a frame-mounted hitch that cle's brake system.
does not attach to the bumper.
A Kia accessory trailer hitch is avail- WARNING- Trailer
able at an authorized Kia dealer. brakes
Do not use a trailer with its own
brakes unless you are absolute-
ly certain that you have proper-
ly set up the brake system.This
is not a task for amateurs. Use
an experienced, competent
trailer shop for this work.
5 78

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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