owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Controls in detail
Driving systems
Backing in straight Backing in at any angle !While parking, do not approach any obsta-
iThe Dynamic Rear View Monitor must be ac-iThe Dynamic Rear View Monitor must be ac-cles closer than indicated by red guide line 4.
tivated in the instrument cluster control system tivated in the instrument cluster control system Back in carefully.
in order for it to be switched on (in order for it to be switched on (
page269). page269). When the blue guide lines 5 for
Switch on the ignition ( page 336). Switch on the ignition ( page 336).straight driving lie parallel inside the
Switch on COMAND ( page81). Switch on COMAND ( page81).desired parking space, straighten the
Move gear selector lever to position R Move gear selector lever to position R steering wheel for straight driving.
(reverse gear). (reverse gear). Back in enough to leave sufficient free
Use the COMAND controller Use the COMAND controller space around the vehicle.
( (
page84) to select “reverse parking” page84) to select “reverse parking” Parallel parking
function 6. function 6.
You will see the guide lines for reverse You will see the guide lines for reverse
parking on the COMAND display.parking on the COMAND display.
The desired parking space is wide Turn steering wheel so that the yellow
enough if nothing is inside the yellow and red guide lines for cornering7 are
and blue guide lines 1 of your intend-pointing towards the desired parking
ed driving path or protrudes into this space. This function assists you when you wish to
area. The desired parking space is wide park in a row, e.g. in a parking place paral-
!While parking, do not approach any obsta-enough if nothing is inside yellow and lel to the road.
cles closer than indicated by red guide line 4.red guide lines 7 of your intended iThe Dynamic Rear View Monitor must be ac-
Back in straight carefully.driving path or protrudes into this area.tivated in the instrument cluster control system
in order for it to be switched on ( page 269).

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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